Playa del Divorcio or Divorce Beach

Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Divorce Beach is in the background facing the Pacific Ocean. Lover’s Beach connects Divorce Beach and faces the Bay.

This stretch of clean white sand is located on the Pacific coast a short walk from Lover’s Beach. Divorce Beach or Playa del Divorcio is great for sunbathing and relaxing, but it is very dangerous to swim on this beach. There are strong currents, crashing waves and rips tides there. Stay out of the water along this beach. Divorce Beach is a great spot to take a long walk along the broad strand of beach. Things do get rough here at times, with waves knocking you off your feet. Swimming is much better on the bay side of Lover’s Beach. This awe-inspiring, secluded beach is not to be missed.

No services are available. Access: By water taxi or glass bottom boat from the CSL marina, and from Médano Beach, where kayaks are also for rent.

These aerial pictures of Divorce Beach (Playa del Divorcio) and Lover’s Beach were taken from a powered glider. Lover’s Beach is on the harbor side, Divorce Beach faces the Pacific Ocean.

Excerpt from Los Cabos Magazine Issue 35, Winter 2021.
Divorce Beach (Playa del Divorcio) You can walk from the Sea of Cortés to the Pacific Ocean in two minutes. That’s roughly how long it takes to work your way across the sand from Lover’s Beach to Divorce Beach, two playas that are forever connected yet have dramatically different personalities. While the waters that surround Lover’s Beach invite you to swim and explore, the unpredictable Pacific Ocean waves make swimming at Divorce Beach strictly verboten. Nevertheless, there are plenty of nooks and crannies to explore, and this spot is perfect for sunning while you read a good book. You can also take in lovely sights of this beach from onboard Cabo’s incredible lineup of sunset cruises, including Caborey ( and Pez Gato ( Divorce Beach is accessible via Lover’s Beach, which you must reach by water.
Above review is an excerpt from Los Cabos Magazine Issue 35, Winter 2021.