Blue Flag Beaches in Los Cabos
Cago San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Currently there are 8 Blue Flag beaches in Mexico, three are in Los Cabos.
Playa Chileno (Chileno Beach), Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Mexico
Season: 2021-07-01 – 2021-06-30
Playa Santa María (Santa María Beach), Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Mexico
Season: 2021-07-01 – 2021-06-30
Playa Palmilla (Palmilla Beach), San Jose del Cabo, Los Cabos, Mexico
Season: 2021-07-01 – 2021-06-30
Blue Flag Beaches for Los Cabos 2017 – 2018 Season.
The 2017 to 2018 beach season has six Blue Flag Beaches listed for Cabo San Lucas and the Los Cabos region of Baja California Sur by the Blue Flag programme. This program is operated under the auspices of the Foundation for Environmental Education and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Palmilla Beach May 2021
- Chileno 2021
- Santa Maria 2021
- Blue Flag Beach 2021
In order to qualify for this prestigious award, a series of stringent environmental, educational, safety-related and access-related criteria must be met and maintained. The Blue Flag programme promotes sustainable development in freshwater and marine areas. It challenges local authorities and beach operators to achieve high standards in the four categories of: water quality, environmental management, environmental education and safety. Over the years, the Blue Flag has become a highly respected and recognised eco-label working to bring together the tourism and environmental sectors at local, regional and national levels.
- Palmilla Beach, Playa Palmilla, San Jose del Cabo, May 2021
- Chileno 2021
- Santa Maria Beach and Bay, Tourist Corridor. Photo March 18 2021.
This program is operated under the auspices of the Foundation for Environmental Education and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Blue Flag, an example of commitment to sustainability for the generations of today and tomorrow: Antonio Agúndez (2014)
The El Chileno and Palmilla Beaches recognized as the cleanest in the world.
Los Cabos, Baja California Sur – Before the majestic scenery of the El Chileno and Palmilla beaches, federal authorities of the National Water Commission, the Ministry of Tourism and Pronatura Mexico A.C. accompanied the mayor of Los Cabos, José Antonio Agúndez Montano, for the official hoisting of the Blue Flags at the beaches that were certified and recognized in the category of highest quality environmentally worldwide.